The JoyToy Battle for the Stars North 09 Strike Attack Mecha is a formidable addition to any collection, featuring impressive firepower and advanced mecha design. With its sleek armor and versatile weapon systems, this mecha stands ready for intense battles and strategic engagements. A must-have for fans of futuristic combat and mecha aesthetics.
- Descrizione del prodotto
- Scala 1/18
- Mecha: 7.87 inches (20cm)
- Pilot: 4.1 inches (10.5cm)
- Realizzato in ABS e PVC
- Straordinariamente dettagliato
- Completamente articolato
- Contenuto della confezione:
- North 09 Strike Attack Mecha figure
- 2 Blasters
- Spada
- Gatling cannon
- Lancia
- Artiglio
- Figura pilota
- 4 lancette intercambiabili
- Armor set
- Fucile d'assalto
- Fucile mitragliatore
- Pistola
- North 09 Strike Attack Mecha figure