JoyToy WH40K Ultramarines Leviathan Dreadnought with Cyclonic Melta Lance And Siege Claws

219.99 USD

  • Leviathan Dreadnought with Cyclonic Melta Lance And Siege Claws figure


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The JoyToy Ultramarines Leviathan Dreadnought with Cyclonic Melta Lance and Siege Claws is a meticulously crafted action figure, representing the sheer power and advanced technology of the Warhammer 40K universe. This impressive figure features the devastating Cyclonic Melta Lance and formidable Siege Claws, making it a standout piece in any collection. Perfect for Warhammer 40K enthusiasts, it brings the formidable presence of the Ultramarines to life.

  1. 제품 설명
    • 28.6cm (11.26 inches)
    • 1/18 스케일
    • ABS와 PVC로 제작
    • Primarily based totally on Warhammer
    • 매우 상세한
    • 완벽하게 표현됨
  2. 상자 내용물
    • Leviathan Dreadnought with Cyclonic Melta Lance And Siege Claws figure

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