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JoyToy WH40K Thousand Sons Legion MK IV Tactical Squad Legionary 2

원래 가격: 46.99 USD.현재 가격: 42.99 USD.

Estimated Available Date: Aug – 2024

  • Legionary 2
    • 3쌍의 교대 손
    • 화염방사기
    • Blaster pistol
    • Saw blade
    • 배낭
    • 베이스
JoyToy WH40K Thousand Sons Legion MK IV Tactical Squad Legionary 2 46.99 USD 원래 가격: 46.99 USD.42.99 USD현재 가격: 42.99 USD.

This figure represents a Thousand Sons Legionary in MK IV armor, capturing the intricate design and enigmatic essence of the legion. Ideal for collectors, this piece highlights the sorcerous power and disciplined nature of the Thousand Sons.

  1. 제품 설명
    • 12cm (4.72 inches)
    • 1/18 스케일
    • Primarily based totally on Warhammer
    • ABS와 PVC로 제작
    • 매우 상세한
    • 완벽하게 표현됨
  2. 상자 내용물
    • Legionary 2
      • 3쌍의 교대 손
      • 화염방사기
      • Blaster pistol
      • Saw blade
      • 배낭
      • 베이스

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