
JOYTOY WH40K Sons of Horus MKVI Tactical Squad Legionary with Legion Vexilla

원래 가격: 43.99 USD.현재 가격: 39.99 USD.

  • MKVI Tactical Squad Legionary with Legion Vexilla figure:
    • Power Pack with Legion Vexilla
    • Rifle and Pistol
    • 손 2쌍
    • Accessorries
    • 베이스


상품이 다시 입고되면 알려주세요.

Unleash the JoyToy Warhammer 40K Sons of Horus MKVI Tactical Squad Legionary with Legion Vexilla action figure’s incredible power! The Space Marine Legions’ core unit, tactical squads are the means by which the Great Crusade retook most of the galaxy. Legion Tactical squads, equipped with even more impressive weaponry and led by seasoned Tactical sergeants, were at the forefront of nearly every significant battle during the Horus Heresy. The squads were composed of Legionaries with devastating bolters.

  1. 제품 설명
    • 12cm(4.72인치)
    • 1/18 스케일
    • ABS 및 PVC로 제조
    • 주로 Warhammer 40K를 기반으로 함
    • 복잡하게 상세한
    • 조음의 여러 요소
  2. 상자 내용물
    • MKVI Tactical Squad Legionary with Legion Vexilla figure:
      • Power Pack with Legion Vexilla
      • Rifle and Pistol
      • 손 2쌍
      • Accessorries
      • 베이스

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