The JoyToy Battle for the Stars Sorrow Expeditionary Forces 09th Legion Assault Company-Stealth Master figure embodies the elite stealth tactics and precision of the 09th Legion. Designed with remarkable attention to detail, this figure showcases the Stealth Master’s advanced gear and combat readiness. A perfect addition for collectors and fans of tactical warfare.
- 제품 설명
- 1/18 스케일
- ABS와 PVC로 제작
- 매우 상세한
- 완벽하게 표현됨
- 상자 내용물:
- Stealth Master figure
- 4 교체 가능한 손
- 2 검
- 권총
- 기관단총
- Auto-pistol
- 창
- 칼
- 벨트
- 서다
- Stealth Master figure