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JoyToy WH40K Ultramarines Terminator Squad Terminator with Assault Cannon

원래 가격: 54.99 USD.현재 가격: 49.99 USD.

  • Terminator with Assault Cannon figure
    • 대체 손
    • Assault cannon
    • 서다
JoyToy WH40K Ultramarines Terminator Squad Terminator with Assault Cannon 54.99 USD 원래 가격: 54.99 USD.49.99 USD현재 가격: 49.99 USD.

Introducing the formidable JoyToy WH40K Ultramarines Terminator Squad Terminator with Assault Cannon – a powerhouse in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. With meticulous attention to detail and armed with the iconic Assault Cannon, this figure epitomizes the unstoppable force of the Ultramarines as they fight to defend humanity.

  1. 제품 설명
    • 14.3cm (5.63 inches)
    • 1/18 스케일
    • ABS와 PVC로 제작
    • 주로 Warhammer 40K를 기반으로 함
    • 매우 상세한
    • 완벽하게 표현됨
  2. 상자 내용물
    • Terminator with Assault Cannon figure
      • 대체 손
      • Assault cannon
      • 서다

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